Friday, January 25, 2008

2008 Reunion News

The U.S.S. O'Callahan's next reunion willb e held in Boston, Mass, in 2008, at the Charleston Navy yard, from July 11th to the 14th. Boston has been picked to celebrate our 40th year anniversary of the O'Callahan's commissioning which was July 13th, 1968.

Room Accomodations have been arranged and will be at the CONSTITUTION INN which is in the Navy Yard. The rooms will cost $79.00 per day. If you wish to come early or stay later than our reunion dates, the rate will remain the same - BUT you will need to make arrangements with the inn when you make your reservations. Our banquet site has not been decided yet.

There are restaurants in the Navy Yard as well as in and around Boston proper for your convenience aside from the banquet.

The Navy Yard houses the U.S.S. Constitution and the U.S.S. Cassin Young (DD 973), both historical landmarks open to tours. The Navy Yard is still functioning.

Are you all interested in our "White Elephant Auction"? It would help make money for our collapsing bank account. We are open to suggestions of any kind to help make this a great reunion. You can email Joseph Allen or add a comment about this or anything else below this post in the "comments" link. Information regarding Boston can be obtained from the Boston convention and Visitors' Bureau, Two Copley Place, Suite 105, Boston, MA 02116 or at or

If you know of other shipmates who served on O'Callahan please contact them with this information and have them contact Joe Allen at 1-608-289-1035 or at Our next newsletter is scheduled for June 2007 for all paid up shipmates. All letters will also be posted here, from our webstite at There is also a forum discussion board at the main website. Submitted by VP/Treasurer - Joseph Allen