Tuesday, September 20, 2005


“Dear Shipmates and Friends of the USS O’Callahan (DE/FF-1051):

Our last issue of “High-Line News” was published in October of 2004 with a summary of the activities of our last reunion in Tennessee along with the status of our association as we looked forward to the next reunion. Many milestones have been completed since then in spite of hurricanes, personal physical infirmities, and website disabilities/restructuring activities. Nevertheless, we have persevered and thanks to God’s assistance, we are underway again under shifted colors!

As we approach our upcoming 2006 Reunion there are a number of items we’d like to share with you and your family members. We’re requesting your comments on any areas that may be of interest to you.

Our Vice-President and Treasurer Joe Allen reports that we are maintaining a paid up membership list of twenty-one (21) members. Although the number may appear to be small (as usual) we’ve received at least 10 times that number of “promises” to join from shipmates who agreed to send in the $10.00 per year but haven’t followed through on their promise.

Note: The current crew roster consists of 398 names of which we have 94 home addresses and 81 email addresses. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to keep this data accurate if shipmates don’t enroll or renew their memberships to help keep us up to date.

Plans for our fourth reunion to be held in Las Vegas, NV (in 2006 or 2007) are ongoing but lack a confirmed location or set of dates at the present time. Once again, your inputs would be appreciated and can be conveyed in the comments section of this blog or by any other methods you chose. Also, keep checking the website for new details as they become available.

On the subject of memorabilia, Tom Morrison reports that he still has 9 each of the Y2K commemorative Zippo lighters, 7 each of the ship’s crest pins and 20 each of the DE-1051 patches (that have been selling often on ebay) still for sale. Also, a good number of old photographs, original “Familygrams” and other unique memorabilia will hopefully be published on our website over time for all to view and copy into their own files. Please note that there aren’t any plans to make the photos available for sale but we’re open to any suggestions.

This concludes our newsletter update for this moment in time. Our intention is to publish new information in the blog or news section of the website and look for your views/comments. Our next issue will be published in December, 2005, God willing and the creek don’t rise!

Best wishes to all.

Your association officers

1 comment:

BUZZ CREEK said...

Good report, Tom. I am back from www.chumuckla.blogspot.com duty and will soon get the photos of the lighters and other things online. I hope to get my time in order and go interview the USS Franklin survivor within a few weeks.