Sunday, October 02, 2005

Ship's Cigarette Lighters

The only lighters we have remaining are in the configuration shown here. Tom Morrison designed this lighter for thefirst reunion in 2000 and only 7 remain from the original buy of 50 pieces. The red wording on the front of the lighter says Y2K Reunion (at the top) and July 13, 2000 (at the bottom); the red wording on the rear of the lighter says Vietnam. Cost per unit is $30.00 plus ($1.21 for one lighter and $1.75 for two lighters). (USA ... exUS please email first). Note: these lighters have never been used. As far as Tom knows, there are no other lighters available except for the ones found periodically on ebay. Send Check or Money Order to Tom Morrison after email to him for address. (

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